lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Daily Routine en AMCO

Amco clases use the work methodology of two strategies that act as the fundamental pillars of the method and repeat systematically throughout all grade levels.  These two methods are the Daily Routine and the Pronunciation Lab.

Today, we will explain what the Daily Routine consists of.  The Daily Routine begins at the beginning of the class.  The students know that this is a time for working together and demonstrate confidence. Theyenjoyparticipating and everyone is given the opportunity to speak and always in English!

The Daily Routine consists of the following activities:

·         Greeting
·         The selection of the mini teacher
·         The selection of an assistant
·         Days of the week
·         The weather
·         Class rules
·         A quick review of what’s already been learned

All this is accompanied with visual and audio aids such as posters, flashcards and songs….

Here are some pictures to show you how we work.

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